It’s Tummy Time – Why Tummy Play Is More Than About Play
There is nothing cuter than watching your little one on their tummy, pull their head up and check out the world around them.
That moment when they have the strength to hold up their head with their brand-new neck.
But like all things we learn from scratch, it takes time to build up that strength. When you start putting bubba on the ground for tummy time, start off slowly. Start with a couple of minutes, and as your baby’s strength grown you can increase the time.
That moment when they have the strength to hold up their head with their brand-new neck.
But like all things we learn from scratch, it takes time to build up that strength. When you start putting bubba on the ground for tummy time, start off slowly. Start with a couple of minutes, and as your baby’s strength grown you can increase the time.
Our Organic Toys are perfect for Tummy Time

Why it is important
Tummy time not only prevents flat spots on baby’s head but is an important part of the development process. You’ve heard the saying ‘you got to crawl; before you can walk,” … well, there is reason for that is tummy time is what kicks of crawling, which leads to walking. That tummy time builds the strength in your little one’s neck and arms.
Tummy time strengthens the muscles of the neck, shoulders, arms, and belly. This physical development will eventually become crucial for babies to sit, roll, push up, and crawl.
Getting started
A great place to start is skin to skin. Not only is bub practicing muscle building but is also getting to spend quality time with mum or dad. Take off your top and lie bub on your tummy. Enjoy the feel of skim-on-skin and being able to look into each other’s eyes.
Next move is onto your lap. You can also add to the mix a little baby massage as your little one lies across your lap.
There are some babies who hate tummy time – after all it is nice and comfy on their back just lying there staring at the world. So the above tips are great ways to get started with tummy time.
It’s all about fun
Babies need stimulation as a part of their development – to help with motor skills and get those neurons firing. Having on hand some colourful toys and playmats make tummy time fun.

Finch & Folk playmats, made from organic materials, make comfy padded place to play for your little one as they lie there checking out the world.
Tips for success
Don’t dilly dally – start tummy time early. Enjoy that bonding time as you gaze into each other’s eyes
Share the fun – this is not just an activity for mum. Tummy time is a great opportunity for dad and brothers/sisters to get down on the play mat at engage.
Keep it real – make sure you include lots of textures, colour and softness to provide tactile stimulation.
Timing – don’t do tummy time after a feed or if bub is tired. You want them to enjoy the play on the tummy.
Don’t stress – if bub hates it, just try again another day.